Tag Archives: code

Optimisation problems: Choosing a method

In this morning’s Code Coffee meeting, we discussed optimisation methods (for doing things like least-squares minimisation, not for optimising code). This is an extremely common problem in astrophysics – you have some data, and you want to find the model that best fits it. In fact, this is a very common problem in general, and so there are lots of methods out there for handling optimisation. Of course, depending on the type of problem you have, some methods will be better than others. So how do you choose between them? And how do you implement the methods? I’ve summarised some of the discussion we had on these topics below. There’s also a great website with a detailed optimisation guide here.

N.B. I should note that most problems that astrophysicists are interested in involve the optimisation of real functions given data (so-called continuous optimisation). There are vast branches of computer science research concerned with combinatorial optimisation, which I’m not so interested in here.

Choosing which method to use

As I’ve already mentioned, optimisation is a really common problem, so there are very many different optimisation algorithms, most of them with a number of different implementations. Over the course of the meeting, we came up with a basic step-by-step guide to help you choose which method to use:

  1. Is the problem linear? Use a linear method, since these are guaranteed to converge to the right answer (within some tolerance). The Conjugate Gradient method is a good first port of call for general linear problems. If you have a particularly simple problem, you could even directly invert the matrix for your linear operator.
  2. Can the problem be rewritten to be linear? If you can change variables or otherwise re-cast the problem in such a way that it becomes linear, do that and use a linear solver!
  3. Is simple brute-force good enough? Some of the simpler (or at least better-known) optimisation methods are very robust, and some are guaranteed to converge, even for pretty general non-linear problems. If you have a small number of parameters, or not too many data points, it’s often quicker and easier to use one of these. Ryan Houghton recommended four, in order of increasing complexity: Amoeba; Levenberg-Marquardt; NNLS (non-negative least-squares); and BVLS (bound variable least-squares). The first two are discussed in Numerical Recipes, and the latter two have pretty widely-used implementations.
  4. Can you analytically calculate gradients? If you can analytically/cheaply calculate the Jacobian and/or Hessian matrix of your problem (i.e. the derivatives of the function you’re minimising with respect to the model parameters), you can use a gradient-based method. Providing this extra information can result in substantial increases in the speed and convergence properties of the optimiser, so it’s worth doing, especially for larger problems.
  5. Is your problem computationally intensive/complex? Some problems are just too large or too messy to use any of the methods advocated so far, so you’ll have to look at more sophisticated methods with more complex implementations. Fortunately, there are some nice, general libraries that implement lots of fancy algorithms (e.g. NLopt, or some of the codes here).
  6. Do you have access to a supercomputer? If more sophisticated algorithms are still unsuitable, you might have to bite the bullet and just use a brute-force method and a lot of computer time. This can be nasty, especially if you don’t know how long it will take for the optimiser to converge. In this case, you might want to spend some more time thinking about clever ways to simplify your problem.

Interesting implementations

Over the course of the discussion, quite a few nice-looking optimisation libraries were mentioned. I’ve listed a few of them below.

  • NLopt has interfaces for lots of programming languages, and implements a wide range of optimisation algorithms. You can switch between algorithms by simply changing a single line of code.
  • L-BFGS is a limited-memory code for doing constrained and unconstrained large-scale optimisation problems. Consider using this if your problem has lots of parameters, or you have quite a lot of data. There’s also KNITRO from the same author, which looks more advanced.
  • levmar is a nice code for doing Levenberg-Marquardt optimisation, with support for a number of programming languages.
  • NNLS is a non-negative least-squares implementation, and is available for a number of programming languages commonly used in astrophysics. It’s supposed to have pretty good convergence properties.
  • More algorithms are listed here, and particular implementations of them are either listed here, or are only a Google search away.

Properties of optimisation algorithms

  • Convergence: Some algorithms are guaranteed to converge, but that doesn’t mean that they will converge to the correct answer!
  • Constrained optimisation: Sometimes it’s necessary to put constraints into the optimisation problem (e.g. you don’t want the mass of your black hole to go negative). You might be able to avoid doing this if you have a good guess for the starting point of the optimisation, so it’s less likely to wander off into a disallowed region of parameter space. If not, there are a number of methods for performing constrained optimisations, but they tend to be reliable only for linear constraints. Word on the street is that codes capable of handling more complicated non-linear constraints are jealously-guarded Wall Street secrets…

Thanks go to Mark Walker, Joe Zuntz, Min-Su Shin, Sigurd Naess and Ryan Houghton for contributing greatly to this discussion.

Code Coffee: One-line guides to getting started in astro computing

I was away on my travels last week, so I missed the first Code Coffee of the new term here in Oxford. Joe Zuntz was present to officiate, though, and led a discussion (allegedly) for the benefit of our new doctoral students, who’d just arrived at that point. The result was a collection of “one-line guides” on getting started with astrophysics-style computing and programming, which I’ve copied below. (Be warned: It’s a little Oxford-specific in parts.)

Getting help

Answering Questions


Don’t code maths!

Numerical Methods

General coding advice


  • Don’t invent your own file formats.
  • FITS tables are not a great format. Consider using HDF instead.


  • GNU: gcc, g++, gfortran (freely-available, cross-platform)
  • Intel: icc, ifort (tend to be faster for some applications)
  • Avoid mixing Intel/GNU compilers, and different versions of the compilers, when using Fortran. The compiled Fortran modules that are produced may not be compatible between different versions.

Best Practices

Drawing random numbers from a multivariate Gaussian distribution

I like software libraries. A software library means that someone has already done some of the heavy lifting for me. A software library means that I won’t have to reinvent the wheel. It means that I might not have to spend my afternoon fixing bugs and stringently validating my own code*.

It also means that I don’t necessarily have a good idea of what the computer is doing “behind the scenes”; that I’m potentially unaware of the clever (or not) algorithm that is being implemented, and what it’s limitations (or bugs) are.

For a long time now, I’ve been blithely accepting that numpy.random.multivariate_normal applies some sensible, but mysterious, procedure in order to generate random variables from a multivariate Gaussian (normal) distribution. And it does – I just never tried to unravel said mystery. So, prompted by Dag Sverre, and courtesy of Wikipedia,  I present a Python snippet that draws multivariate Gaussians given (a) some way of generating a set of standard univariate Gaussian random numbers, and (b) a Cholesky decomposition routine. In all, it’s about 10% faster than the NumPy routine, which applies a bunch of validity tests that I don’t.

import numpy as np

# Define mean, covariance matrix, and no. of samples required
mean = ... # some array of length N
cov = ... # some positive-definite NxN matrix
Ndraws = 1000

# Do factorisation (can store this and use it again later)
L = np.linalg.cholesky(cov)

# Get 3*Ndraws Gaussian random variables (mean=0, variance=1)
norm = np.random.normal(size=Ndraws*3).reshape(3, Ndraws)

# Construct final set of random numbers (with correct mean)
rand = mean + np.dot(L, norm)

Of course, this now introduces two new mysteries: How do you efficiently implement Cholesky decomposition, and how do you generate univariate Gaussian random numbers? Those are exercises for another day, I think.

* It depends on how sloppy I’m feeling; of course, you should validate everything that matters, regardless of who wrote it.

Weird gfortran compiler error of the week

In response to the following compiler error from gfortran, the correct response is apparently to run make clean and then make again:

Error: More actual than formal arguments in procedure call at (1)

God knows what was actually going wrong.

Getting codes in different languages to interact

In a Code Coffee meeting last month (9th July), we discussed ways of getting codes in different languages to talk to one another. This is quite a common task; for example, if you need your modern data analysis pipeline to interact with some legacy code (normally Fortran!), or if you have a mostly Python code that has a computationally-intensive bit that would be faster written in C. Our focus was on Python, C, and Fortran, since they seem to be the most commonly used languages in the group.

People brought a number of different solutions with them. Some were very easy to implement, just as a simple few-line block in your Python code that could be used to speed up a loop. Others were quite a bit more complicated, requiring extra work on building modules and getting your hands dirty with memory management, but having the virtue of being much more flexible. The methods we discussed are summarised below, in increasing order of complexity. If you skip to the bottom, there’s also a link to a tarball, with some examples.

(Edit: Be sure to check out some of the interesting comments, below, too. They mostly concern Cython.)


Weave is a way of writing C code “inline” – directly into a Python script.  Python variables are automatically made available to the C code (you sometimes need to do a bit of extra work to cast them to a specific type, but not much), which makes it nice and easy to use, with little boilerplate required in the C code. Essentially, you can just stick a fast, few-line C loop in the middle of a Python function, then call Weave and it’ll handle compilation and shuffling data between Python and C for you automagically, without requiring any complicated wrapper code or makefile magic. There’s also a “blitz” mode, which takes a Python/NumPy expression and converts it into C++ in the background, which can also help speed things up (although it’s generally slower than the inline mode).

Unfortunately, the documentation isn’t great, but there are plenty of examples out there (SageMath have a couple of very clear ones). It should definitely be your first port of call if all you want to do is speed up part of your Python code. It’s not so good if you want to interface with legacy code, or have something more complicated that you need to do in C (e.g. something that’s split into different functions). See also Cython, which seems to be a bit more flexible, but not too much more difficult to use. There’s a nice speed comparison with NumPy, Weave blitz and inline, and MATLAB here, and a Cython/Weave example (with benchmarks) here. There’s also an interesting blog post on getting GSL to work with Weave/Cython.


f2py is a way of automatically generating Python modules from Fortran code. It seems pretty easy to use – all you need to do is run it over your Fortran source code, and it will produce a compiled module that you can simply import into your Python code and use as you would any other. The f2py program scans the Fortran code and figures out how to deal with function arguments and convert between types itself, which is very handy. It even generates function documentation (docstrings) for the Python module, telling you what format the function arguments need to be in. One problem with f2py, pointed out by Ryan, is that it tends to fail silently, making it difficult to debug! It’s apparently quite robust though, so this probably won’t be necessary that often. The documentation looks pretty good, and you can find other resources here. (N.B. They ask you to cite their paper if you use f2py in research code.)

Python ctypes

ctypes is a Python module for handling calls to shared libraries (whether they are written in C/C++ or Fortran). The syntax for loading libraries and calling functions is exceptionally simple – little different from importing a native Python module and calling functions in that. However, there’s some added complexity that comes as a result of having to convert between C and Python data types in function arguments. For the most part, all you need to do is call a simple ctypes helper function to make the conversion; e.g. c_double(42.3) will give you something that can be passed to a function that expects a C double as an argument. In more recent versions of NumPy, ndarrays also have ctypes conversion methods (see the ndarray.ctypes.data_as() method; you probably want to get a pointer to the array, for which you should use ctypes.POINTER), although there are also some subtleties to be aware of in terms of how Python/NumPy and C/C++ or Fortran store multidimensional arrays in memory (see the order property of NumPy arrays, for example). The Sage website has a good tutorial on working with ndarrays in ctypes. A slightly nicer way of handling types conversion is to write a small Python wrapper for the C function (or whatever), and use the argtypes attribute to specify what arguments the function accepts. A comprehensive tutorial can be found here, which explains most of the workings of ctypes, and which has good examples.

The tutorial on the Python website mostly concerns calling existing system libraries, but of course you can write your own libraries too. For C/C++ code compiled with GCC, this is pretty simple – all you need to do is add a couple of compiler flags (see Section 3.4 of the TDLP Library Program tutorial). Of course, your C code should be set out like a library first – just compiling something that’s meant to be a standalone program as a library won’t work too well, and you’ll need to write header files etc. That’s easy to do, and existing “non-library” code can often be refactored into a working library with very little effort. There’s a very nice, simple tutorial on writing and compiling libraries here. Note that the libraries don’t need any “special treatment” to interface with Python using ctypes – they’re just standard C/Fortran libraries, and can happily be called by other C/Fortran programs too.

Python C API

Big chunks of Python are written in C, so it should come as no surprise that there is a C library which provides access to Python data types and functions. Access it by including Python.h in your C code. I’ll keep discussion of this one to a deliberately high-level, because it’s significantly more complicated than the others, and doesn’t seem to be fantastically well documented (although see the official Python docs for it here and here). This method allows you to write new Python modules directly in C; the end result will be something that looks and behaves exactly like a standard Python module (of the sort that you may have written before, in Python), which requires no fiddling about with data types or what have you in the Python code that uses it. That’s because all of the fiddling around is done in the C code! I find this quite a bit trickier to write – your C files need some boilerplate to get themselves (and their constituent functions) recognised by the Python interpreter, and there’s a bit of makefile magic required to actually build and install the module too. Plus, you have to figure out how to handle type conversions between native C types and Python types (mostly PyObjects). It’s not super-difficult, but it is fiddly in places. Take a look at this nice tutorial by Dan Foreman-Mackey (and another one from JPL which looks more specifically at handling NumPy arrays).

Some of the more confusing issues that you’re likely to run into are to do with reference counting. This is a reasonably technical computer science concept, which has to do with how Python stores and labels variables. (Recall that, in Python, the same data can be referred to by multiple variable names.) It’s important to make sure your C code properly tracks references to Python objects as it manipulates them; otherwise, you’re likely to run into a host of problems, from memory leaks to weird crashes. If you’re going to use the Python C API, I strongly recommend that you invest a good amount of time in understanding how this works.

All in all, I think the C API is only the way forward if you’re specifically setting out to write a new Python module for use elsewhere; if all you have is some existing C code that you want to quickly plug in to some Python code, it’s going to be a lot of hassle. Still, once you’ve set up a project once, and used the C API a little bit, it’s a lot quicker to get up and running with the next project.


All in all, ctypes is probably the best route to go for most people, unless you have something particularly trivial you want to speed-up. It’s fast (native C function calls), easy enough to set up, and conceptually simple to understand. It’s not quite as “automatic” as Weave/Cython or f2py, but you’ll probably end up with cleaner, more flexible, and more robust code for your troubles. And it’s much easier to work with than the Python C API.

The Performance Python page has a nice comparison of some of the methods mentioned above. A tarball containing example code for most of the above methods can be downloaded from here; thanks to Ryan Houghton, Neale Gibson and Joe Zuntz for providing these.

Book review: The Linux Command Line, by William E. Shotts

No Starch Press kindly sent me a copy of The Linux Command Line to review a little while back. I already posted a review on Amazon, but figured that the book might be of interest to people here, too. Read on for a fuller, more detailed review.

The Linux Command Line book cover

Although point-and-click graphical interfaces may initially seem more intuitive, many tasks are much better suited to command line applications. I first started using the command line mostly out of necessity, back in the days when desktop Linux was still rather unfriendly to new users. After a little while, I had gained enough familiarity with the system to start cooking up useful combinations of commands for myself, without having to constantly copy them from books or webpages. I soon found myself preferring to use the command line for many tasks – it became quicker and easier than using a GUI. I even gained a rudimentary understanding of how the command line itself works, and started using a few of its more advanced features. And that’s the stage I’m at now – I know how to use a range of useful commands, and can achieve a lot using the command line in an efficient and satisfying manner. But anything beyond the basics of powerful concepts like regular expressions, commands like sed and find, and the ins and outs of Bash scripting, are still a bit of a mystery to me. If I need to do anything fancy, I fall back on doing it manually, or else write a Python script, simply because I’m more comfortable doing things that way. “The Linux Command Line” is a very useful book, in that it has helped me to take my command line skills to the next level, making it much less of a necessity to develop my own tools.

Something for every eventuality

As with most books from No Starch*, the book is beautifully presented and well written. All of the common command-line tasks are covered, many of them in detail, and there are a number of nice, friendly introductory chapters (pdf) for those who have never used a command line before. But the real value, for me at least, came from the treasure trove of more obscure commands that the book contains. UNIX is a very mature system, and practically every computer-based task you can think of can be performed using existing command line tools. Indeed, on first opening the book to a random page, I immediately found a tool to automatically format text files in a rather specific way, a task that I had been wasting quite a bit of time doing manually (and hadn’t yet encouraged myself to automate). Even old hands will be able to find something new in here, such is the diversity of the topics covered.

Other highlights include a guide to programming in Bash, which cuts through the quirks of the scripting language in a rather transparent manner, and a number of chapters on the common system admin tasks that occupy most peoples’ command line time. The latter part is slightly hampered by being rather distro-specific in places, choosing only to cover Debian (Ubuntu) and Red Hat (Fedora) where non-generic commands must be used. A couple of other distros could have been added to the list without too much fuss, allowing the book to serve as a useful cross-distro reference.

Covering all the bases

And that brings us to one of the difficulties with books like this: Completeness. The cover’s promise of a complete introduction is a bold one, and Shotts can be forgiven for not providing a comprehensive guide to every last command; there are just so many of them, and they can get quite complex. Nevertheless, there are some interesting omissions here. Terminal-based text editors are extremely advanced, offering real productivity gains for programmers and other would-be command line users, but they go largely unmentioned. While a comprehensive introduction to emacs is certainly outside the scope of this book, it could at least have been mentioned! Only a brief introduction to vim is included, which suffices for basic text editing tasks. Additionally, important networking tools like SSH, which are vital for remote working and system administration, are covered only very briefly. In an ideal world, I would have liked to have seen a whole chapter with detailed information on SSH, tunnelling, and the like. This lack of total completeness, understandable though it may be, will leave some readers a little disappointed. Still, the majority of topics are covered in suitable depth to satisfy the majority.

It’s probably best to treat this book as an advanced introduction – reading it will introduce you to a whole range of useful tools, which you can then go on to learn more about using specialised documentation, or more focused technical manuals. The Linux Command Line will get you started, and quite a lot more, but you’ll eventually need to move to something more specific if you really need to delve into the murkier recesses of a certain command.


If you would like to start using the command line, improve your existing skills, or simply want to discover tools that you were never even aware existed, this book has everything you need, and I wholly recommend it. If you want to learn about the specifics of some particular command line tool, you’ll at least get a good introduction here, but you’ll eventually have to read its manual all the same.

* Including my own; I’ve authored two titles with them, and love the house style to pieces.

Portability issues with floating point exception handling

Well, this is a fun one for a balmy Friday afternoon – it turns out that there are somewhat subtle differences between fenv.h on Linux (with glibc) and on Mac OS X. A number of functions defined in fenv.h are there to control the handling of floating point errors, and many of them are specified by the C99 standard. However, glibc has some useful extra functions defined, like feenableexcept(). Useful non-standard functions.

So, I’m looking at someone else’s code, developed on a Linux machine, which needs to enable/disable floating point exceptions at various junctures, but which I need to compile on a Mac that I’m using as a test rig (it has 8 cores, which is handy). As you can see here, fenv.h on Mac OS X is missing feenableexcept(), which is rather irksome. Hmm.

StackOverflow to the rescue: There’s a thread with a few bits of advice on how one can replace these functions on Mac OS X. I’ll try the xmmintrin.h one first; hardly ideal, but I’m hoping it will work so I can go to the pub…

Update: It turns out that there’s quite a nice implementation of glibc’s floating point exception handling functions that’s portable to Mac OS X, written by David N. Williams. See this update for more information.

Numerical Cosmology titbits

I’m still at the Numerical Cosmology 2012 workshop in Cambridge (the last day is tomorrow). I’m pretty sleepy by now (9am start for talks makes Phil sad), but I figured I’d squeeze in a few stories before I retire to my bed.

Yesterday was one of those weird days that I seem have every so often which confirms to me that physics makes for an interesting life. After a full-ish programme of talks, we all watched Stephen Hawking unveil his new supercomputer, via video link, to an extremely chilly room just around the corner that we subsequently all piled into (along with grinning computer industry representatives and a TV crew) to prod the shiny new computer and gurn at the camera. Supercomputers are much smaller than they used to be. Later on, we had the conference dinner in Trinity Hall, where I sat opposite John Reid, one of the people involved in setting Fortran standards. Being the Python aficionado that I am (and also, having discovered earlier in the evening that Fortran 77 uses magic numbers for certain I/O tasks*), I solicited his thoughts on designing programming languages to encourage good programming style. Didn’t really get much out of him on that, but he did give an interesting talk on coarrays earlier in the day (coarrays are an extension to Fortran that are intended to make parallel computing a bit more transparent, and thus easier). Ho hum. I topped the evening off by introducing myself to Dick Bond as an emeritus professor. He didn’t seem convinced.

I also learned very, very much about High Performance Computing (HPC). By that, I don’t mean running your average MCMC code on the cluster in the basement – oh no, proper tens-of-thousands-of-cores stuff. It turns out that programming models and tools are beginning to look a little outdated in the face of modern HPC systems – technologies like OpenMP were apparently designed with a “many single-core nodes” architecture in mind, whereas we now have systems consisting of many nodes, each of which has many cores. Of course, it’s faster to transfer things between cores on a given node than it is to pass data between nodes, but OpenMP doesn’t make it easy to differentiate between the two situations. David Henty (Edinburgh) talked about the consequences of this for HPC – is guiding principle was to “keep data on the same device for as long as possible”. Transferring data and other communication between nodes is what kills performance on these massively parallel systems, since communication buses are intrinsically slower than working on-chip. Oh, and cache misses – if your parallel code isn’t scaling too well, or otherwise seems sluggish, the number one suspect has to be cache misses.

Another little performance-related tip comes courtesy of Hal Finkel (Argonne), who’s attempting trillion particle simulations (about 100x larger than the current state of the art) by using a whole host of clever computational tricks and optimisations. He mentioned that some architectures have specific instructions for providing rapid estimates of certain common floating point operations (e.g. square roots). If you can afford the reduced accuracy, using these prevents your code from having to branch and call sqrt() or whatever from a library. If this is happening in an inner loop – kerching! Easy instant speed-up.

And one final little note: Supercomputers break all of the time! The Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) of a big computer system is typically a few days, so HPC codes have to store snapshots of their state (checkpoints) every few hours, and must support resuming from these checkpoints in order to be able to do anything useful.

* Why? Aaaaagh! Aaagh! (OK, it probably made slightly more sense at the time.)

Cosmological simulation showdown

I’m at the Numerical Cosmology 2012 workshop in Cambridge this week. Today, the first day, was pretty much dedicated to simulations, focusing mostly on comparisons between different techniques.

Volker Springel was showing off his moving mesh code, AREPO, which uses a Voronoi tessellation scheme to optimally resize mesh cells. The videos on his website are mesmerising. (Neat Voronoi fact: the Voronoi tessellation of a set of points is dual to the Delaunay triangulation.) Why go to all that trouble to make the mesh move around? Well, as was repeatedly pointed out during the day’s talks, Cartesian mesh methods aren’t Galilean invariant (simple translations of objects change their properties, when they shouldn’t), and smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) methods suppress (physical) fluid instabilities due to a spurious numerical “surface tension” property that they have. The moving mesh helps to get around these problems – the mesh follows the particle velocities, which ends up guaranteeing Galilean invariance. The use of Voronoi diagrams to define the mesh turns out not to add too much computational expense (efficient algorithms exist), but it does have problems with uniqueness of tessellations (e.g. there’s more than one valid way to tessellate a 4-point square), and solving the Riemann problem for irregularly-shaped cells seems to be harder too. Still, it looks neat.

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in Springel's AREPO moving mesh code

Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in Springel’s AREPO moving mesh code (image by V. Springel).

Volker has apparently been quite critical of SPH methods in recent years – the method has issues with modelling contact discontinuities, due to the surface tension issue I mentioned. These are potentially important in cosmological simulations, where you get large density contrasts, for example. The classical test seems to be the (rather photogenic) Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, where two initially laminar flows in different fluids are set up to slip past one another. What should happen is that you get turbulent waves forming at the interface of the fluids, but the numerical “tension” in SPH models stops this from happening. Daniel Price took up the gauntlet and attempted to show that SPH can be fixed by properly taking into account discontinuities in the density. First of all, he showed that a standard SPH code will happily produce realistic Kelvin-Helmholtz instability if the two fluids have comparable densities – the problem is not that SPH can’t deal with instability, it’s that it can’t deal with density discontinuities, since SPH normally assumes that the density is differentiable at boundaries. By switching a viscosity term on and off depending on the situation (e.g. Price 2011Read and Heyfield 2011), Daniel claims that SPH can be made viable for cosmological simulations again. Volker disagreed in the questions afterwards, and I think they ended up “agreeing to disagree”.

There were also talks by Romain Teyssier and Brian O’Shea discussing the differences between different types of simulation, and comparing different codes (amongst other things). There have been a number of code comparisons in recent years, for a number of different physical situations (e.g. Frenk et al. 1999Agertz et al. 2007Scannapieco et al. 2011), which seem to show that most codes get broadly similar results on larger scales (for massive dark matter halos), but have divergent results at smaller scales, where baryonic physics becomes important.

Broadly similar sentiments were expressed by Rob Thacker, who talked about modelling AGN feedback. To do feedback, you need an extremely large dynamical range – in feedback studies, processes from galaxy scales down to the supermassive black hole event horizon (or thereabouts) are important. Adaptive Mesh Refinement codes (like Teyssier’s RAMSES) can get something like the dynamical range required, and not-bad results on large scales, but it sounds like there are lots of problems and uncertainties with the models of the small-scale physics. (Fun RAMSES fact: It uses Peano-Hilbert space-filling curves to do “domain decomposition” – deciding which particles are governed by which processor for massively parallel execution.) He also noted, somewhat surprisingly, that black hole advection might be important during galaxy mergers (the BH gets moved around under the gravitational pull of nearby matter, thus experiencing a changing local density, which has an effect on the accretion rate, and so on), even though the BH is extremely massive compared to anything nearby. A final interesting nugget came from the audience – apparently, during BH mergers you should expect to lose about 5% or so of the total BH-BH system mass in the form of gravitational waves, but Rob was confident in saying that current AGN simulations are nowhere near having to worry about 5% effects like that!

Lots of other interesting things went on today, but I’ll wrap up with a couple of brief notes. Ilian Iliev talked about simulating reionisation, and the challenges involved in getting photoionisation right. Apparently, many people use a purely local form for the photoionisation rate equation, which does not take into account finite volume effects, and thus does not properly conserve photon number. He wrote down the correct version, which includes an extra term in the frequency integral. Romain also mentioned that many ray-tracing codes assume that the speed of light is infinite, which is often a good approximation, but which sometimes isn’t, and gets forgotten. This can lead to up to a factor of two discrepancy in some calculations. Finally, Brian mentioned a paper by Tasker et al. (2008), which lists a suite of useful test cases for numerical simulation codes. Many of these tests were wheeled out today.

Andreas Bauer, & Volker Springel (2012). Shocking results without shocks: Subsonic turbulence in smoothed particle hydrodynamics and moving-mesh simulations MNRAS DOI: http://arxiv.org/abs/1109.4413v1

Code Coffee: Prototyping with Arduino

Adam Coates gave us an introduction to the Arduino platform on Monday 25th June. It’s an open-source hardware kit for rapidly (and cheaply) prototyping electronic control systems, and seems to be pretty simple to use. Adam brought in a couple of boards that had suffered fiery deaths at the hands of a rogue motor for us to inspect, as well as a functioning one which he was using to drive an LED. There are different types of board, depending on what exactly you want to hook it up to – for example, you can get an extra “shield” board that allows you to connect a wireless module. Pre-assembled boards are readily available for purchase from many locations, and cost in the region of £20-£50, but all of the boards have open hardware specifications, which means that you can build them yourself if you like.

Coding for the Arduino seems to be quite simple. The controller on the board itself seems to be relatively limited, in that it only has a small amount of memory and is somewhat slow. For more computationally-intensive operations, the idea seems to be to use the Arduino as an interface between a full-size computer and your hardware rather than as a standalone controller. Simple operations, like blinking an LED, can be achieved in only a few lines of code, with very little boilerplate. Adam showed us the serial interface, which is used to upload code onto the board, and can also be used in an interactive mode for communicating with it.

From what I’ve seen of it, the Arduino documentation appears to be excellent; certainly, the hardware looks to be well-documented, and there’s a good amount of example code available. And there are plenty of things that you can do with it – Adam uses it to test a telescope turntable driver, I think. I’ve not quite figured out what I’d use one for myself (my Raspberry Pi is still in its box too…), but an idea that was floated during Code Coffee was reproducing the groundbreaking Holmberg lightbulb N-body simulation. Now that would be cool.